Polyvore Creations

Exciting News for Wannabe's

     Hi there, fashion lovers!  There's a LOT going on with us at Wannabe's Upscale Resale... we're getting basket upon basket of great fall and winter clothes for boys, girls and women...including trendy boots and coats.
     Tonight, we appeared on WHOI-19's Good Company and talked about how to layer.  This weather has been all over the place - including 20 degree temperature differences in one day!  Learn to Layer by following this link.
     Also on the show tonight, we announced a new contest.  We're expanding our social media platforms to bring you the latest news and trends in fashion, plus update you on what we have in the store!  To start, we've rolled out a Facebook Contest.  And it's as simple as asking your friends to "Like" our Facebook page.
    What you do is very simple!
    Head to our Facebook Page, Wannabe's Upscale Resale.  If you're already a fan, then you're one step ahead!  If you're not, it's as easy is hitting the "Like" Button.
    Next, do the following:

- Invite your friends to "Like" our page.  You can do this by clicking on the drop down menu under our cover photo and click "Share".

- Once your friend "Likes" our page, have them write your name on our wall so we know you referred them.

- If you have 5 friends you refer, you get 1 free punch on your card

- If you have 25 friends referred, you get 25% off your purchase

- The person with the MOST referrals (Must be more than 30) - Win a FREE Bubble Necklace and a $20 Store Credit

- Contest runs through Friday 10/26
     Whew!!!  That's a lot of information. 

     Another social media note - We are on Twitter!

     And here's our final thought for tonight's blog... lately, the weather in central Illinois has been RAINY and COLD.  And we know that kids can grow fast...and it can sometimes happen over night!  Our solution?  We're getting some great rain gear and even winter gear for those kids.
     This is just an example of a great combo for a little girl looking to be fashionable...and stay dry!  Both these items together?  Less than $15.  You'd be hard-pressed to find just a pair of boots or just a jacket at that price!

Stop by and see us and make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!